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Epoxy Inspection Services

Epoxy Inspections are performed by licensed Deputy/Special Inspectors who hold an ICC Reinforced Concrete license plus approval by the respective city, county, or jurisdiction in which they perform their inspection. 

 Upon completion of the inspection, the registered Deputy/Special Inspector will furnish a compliance report that can be given to the City Inspector at time of city inspection and to the Engineer of Record. Without this documentation, city inspection will not be passed.

Upon time of inspection, prior to injecting the epoxy, the licensed Deputy/Special Inspector will verify the holes for proper embedment depth and diameter according to the approved plan detail. Holes are typically drilled 1/8" larger than the rebar, rod, anchor, etc being inserted. The size and grade of the rebar, rod, or anchor will also be verified at time of inspection. The Inspector will also verify that the holes are blown and brushed clean prior to epoxy application for proper bonding of the epoxy. The type of epoxy and its expiration date will also be verified prior to application. The most common types of epoxy used are Simpson SET XP or 3G along with multiple makes of Hiliti brand epoxy (we are not affiliated with these brands). Your plans should state which type of epoxy is designated for your project. The Inspector is only required to be there after holes have been drilled and prior to injecting the epoxy.

If your project requires epoxy inspection, you can rely on All American Inspection to schedule a fully licensed Deputy/Special Inspector to verify the proper completion of work and provide you with the required documentation for city inspection and engineer. You can contact us 24/7 for a timely response.


Call or Text 24 hrs: (310) 738-7005

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